
How I got 275k Pinterest Views in 3 Months!

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For many of us, Pinterest is the best way of attracting traffic to our blogs. But how do we get that exposure on Pinterest, that will in turn give us the traffic we’re looking for? I’m here to tell you my personal strategy for increasing my Pinterest views from 7,000 to 225,000…in just 3 MONTHS! I think it’s also important to say that this strategy is great because you don’t need lots of followers. I get loads of Pinterest referrals while having less than 100 followers!

I know some of you guys might be a little skeptical (I would be too!) so here are some screenshots. This first screenshot is when I started getting more serious about my Pinterest back in October. Even getting to 7,000 took me a couple of weeks.

Fast forward 3 Months, and here we are!

I specifically showed you guys what my account looks like because I do think changing my name/profile set-up has given me more views, which brings me to my first point.

1. Optimize your Account

This is really something that has given me an edge. I kind of thought it wasn’t going to work, but switching my name and profile to a more professional setting did work! You have to keep in mind that when people on Pinterest search for something, Pinterest will easily find those with keywords all over their profiles…and show those results first. So if you just have your name and a cute description in your profile, how do you think new viewers will find you?

This is the reason why you will see Bloggers and Influencers with super long and specific profile names. The general formula is:

Your Name | Niche + Other Niche Blogger/Coach/Influencer

Now you try it!

Mines is: Sully | Affordable Decor Ideas + Money Budgeting Coach

It seems kind of silly to me sometimes, but having all of these keywords in your name will give you better chances of being found. Descriptive names like the ones above will give you better odds against the millions of account already vying for attention on Pinterest.

2. Open a Business Account

This is actually very easy and simple to do! Turning your regular account into a business account will enable you to track viewers, impressions, click, and a load of other important statistics that will help you target your content for your viewers! This link from Pinterest will show you how to get started.

3. Consistency Is Key

This is the biggest success factor. It’s also the simplest! Pinning consistently is probably what has developed my Pinterest numbers over these past few weeks. Every time I stopped pinning, there was a direct decrease in my amount of views. Sometimes I could lose up to 20k viewers in a day! So remember to work on your Pinterest account consistently and network as much as you can!

When I first started building my Pinterest account in October, I lost focus and stopped pinning for a few days, a week at most. And here are the results:

My pins went from an average 10k views a day, to a mere 2.5k views. In less than a week! So no matter what you do, pin consistently and don’t forget about your Pinterest account. Ideally you want to pin anywhere from 30-50 pins per day, but even five pins a day can make a difference and keep your numbers on track. Remember, the more viewers you can get consistently, the more you can grow your Pinterest following and blog traffic.

Something else to keep in mind is when you pin. Set yourself up for sucess by pinning around lunchtime, afternoon, or evening when everyone else is winding down for bed.

4. Tailwind

If you are someone who has trouble keeping up with pining posts at specific times (me!) I definitely recommend Tailwind as a way to give your Pinterest account the best exposure without having to pin around the clock. The website recognizes the best times to post and schedules your selected pins to match those times, giving you a boost in exposure.

Tailwind’s scheduling ability takes care of pinning at the best possible times for you. All you need to do is pick which pins you like, set what board you’d like them to go to, and hit the green schedule button! It takes away the stress of having to pin everyday, because you can actually schedule your pins weeks ahead of time.

The site also gives you tons of information on how your pinterest account is doing, how your pins are doing, etc., to make sure you’re working with the best information.

If you’re interested in trying out Tailwind for yourself, click here. Give it a go and let me know how it goes!

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

Tailwind Tribes

Something else I find pretty neat about Tailwind is it’s tribe system! Tailwing Tribes is a great way to meet people who are starting out and are also in your niche! I used to find that networking with other bloggers is kind of hard, because a lot of the ones you stumble upon are quite popular, so it can be hard to find someone who is on your level and can understand you. This is why Tribes is a great networking tool, and the best part is that you don’t have to pay a cent to get access to the system! They are absolutely free to join.

The experience that I’ve had this far with Tribes is great. They actually get me more traffic than group boards. I’m not sure if maybe I’m not in the right group boards, but for some reason I get better results with the pin I post to Tribes. Maybe it’s because my content is around like-minded content creators? I don’t know, but in any case, Tribes are a lot more simple to find and join than group boards. Again, if you’re interested in that free trial, here’s the link.

5. Set Up your Account for Success

This is the part where we talk about the pins we choose to repin. Building a blog is just like building a brand, and so you have to choose the very best pins, the ones that line up with your vision, your aesthetic.

Say you get to look at two different accounts. One with pins that are carefully coordinated and organized, sitting with similar color schemes and themes. The account looks well put together, and you get a clear sense of what this person has to offer, whether in their taste in design or fashion, etc.

Then you get to look at a different account. The pins are arranged sloppily, the color schemes are all over the place, and you can’t get a clear vision of their brand.

Which one would you follow?

6. Make a Blog Board

My blog board was something I hid when I first started out my blog. I kept the board as a secret board, and used it simply as a way to keep all of my original post pins in one place. But one day, I looked at my board and liked what I saw. Then I thought, why shouldn’t other people be able to view my Blog’s pins?

And I made it public.

Truth be told, it was a good decision. It’s my third most popular board (for some reason), and one that gets me consistent clickthroughs right to my website! I don’t really promote this board or push it aggressively, and even with my hands off approach it shows consistent organic growth.

7. Put your Best Foot Forward

It is a fact that aesthetically pleasing pins will simply do better. If you want those clicks, you have to make your pin stand out in a sea of other pins. There are some basic guidelines for pins that perform well:

  • Vertical pins are better than horizontal ones
  • Warmer colors attract more attention than cool tones
  • Use high resolution images
  • Try to make irrisistable, clear to read titles

However, good pins are more than technical specifications. You have to think about your ideal readers and target your pins for these readers. If you’re offering decor advice, use a photo and a font/color style that suits that design style. The goal is to really understand what your readers are looking for, and make your presentation irristable to them. Remember that your pin is a pitch, so make sure your phrasing, photos, and account are curated carefully.

I break this idea down in my Viral Pins Guide post, it’s coming this Friday! If you’re interested in that post, sign up for the Newsletter so you can get your hands on my personal strategy as soon as I publish it!
